→ 2,600m (Yushan, Taiwan) in 2011.
→ 478 km (Mersing, Johore, Malaysia), first ride where I raise funds for charity, 2005
→ 246 km (Sarawak, Malaysia), longest ride in one day, 2004
Speed records
→ Max speed to date: 66.4 km/h downhill) in Pahang, Malaysia, 2005
→ Max speed on flat road: 50.0 km/h around Sengkang, Singapore, 2004
Dumb things done on a bicycle
→ Longest ride with hands off handlebars: 2 km (Pengarang, Johore, Malaysia), 2003
→Wearing five layers of tropical clothing and shorts in 7 degree Celsius weather, with wind and rain (Yushan, Taiwan), 2011