Cycling is like life. Cycling with no goal is meaningless. What meaning is there cycling in circles? Or living aimlessly? Meaning comes from direction and destination. Join me in my life's journey on a mountain bike :)

Blogging since 2003. Thank you for reading :))

Personal bests

→ 2,600m (Yushan, Taiwan) in 2011. 1,835m (Maubisse, Timor Leste), highest peak I've biked up, 2009; I've also been up Genting Highlands but there is conflicting data about its height, from 1,500 to 2,031m)
→ 478 km (Mersing, Johore, Malaysia), first ride where I raise funds for charity, 2005
→ 246 km (Sarawak, Malaysia), longest ride in one day, 2004
Speed records
→ Max speed to date: 66.4 km/h downhill) in Pahang, Malaysia, 2005
→ Max speed on flat road: 50.0 km/h around Sengkang, Singapore, 2004
Dumb things done on a bicycle
→ Longest ride with hands off handlebars: 2 km (Pengarang, Johore, Malaysia), 2003
→Wearing five layers of tropical clothing and shorts in 7 degree Celsius weather, with wind and rain (Yushan, Taiwan), 2011