Cycling is like life. Cycling with no goal is meaningless. What meaning is there cycling in circles? Or living aimlessly? Meaning comes from direction and destination. Join me in my life's journey on a mountain bike :)

Blogging since 2003. Thank you for reading :))

Friday, May 12, 2006

Beyond an American century, on knobbies

To Kota Tinggi, Johore, Malaysia, 186 km. Triumphant from my race on 7 May, or perhaps brain damaged after hitting my head twice in less than two weeks, I cycle longer than an American century on my knobby tyres (a first in my personal history). Today's training ride for the Bike N Blade charity event sees about 20 riders, mostly roadies. Two mountain bikers, including I, and a triathlete, set the pace. At one point, I'm pulling along five bikerbabes. But in the noonday sun, without lunch, I turn sluggish. It's my turn to draft and I follow a tribabe; someone who's swimming, running or cycling everyday. Back on the causeway, we're stopped. In the rain, to let some VIP comfortably ensconed in a black vehicle pass.

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